The Three Little Pigs, loved to play games and have fun with pig girls. Nobody was happier than the three little pigs, and they easily made friends with everyone (because they had a lot money).
Wherever they went, they received a nice welcome (because everybody respected and feared them).
One day, a police wolf arrived to the neighborhood and started to ask for the three little pigs. The three little pigs started to feel that they needed a way to scape from the police.
Sadly, they knew that the fun was over now and they had to try to live like the others. (At least to prettend), or they would be caught by the courageous officer, with no more protection than their brawny bodies. They talked about what to do, but each decided for himself to take their own.
The laziest and overconfident of the three little pig said he would be fine and no one could catch him and even, he would have enough time to party with his pig girls, and just decided to stay relaxed...
It only took a day to the officer to catch him.
Not as lazy as his brother, the second little pig went in search of his friends to find a place to hide and at the same time he would have time to party all day with his friends. But not all of them were truly friends and he was betrayed by some of them...
It only took two days to the officer to find him and imprison him.
But the third little pig did not like, just staying relaxed, also he never trusted no one around him, so that, he decided to build a hiding place for himself. It took time, patience and hard work but he wanted it to be spacious, and most of all, it had to protect him from the wolf officer!"
The days passed, but the eye of law never can be tricked so after a couple of weeks the wisest of the three little pigs, was finally found.
But the third little pig was not born to be in jail, so while he was hidden he contacted his men so that, they could prepared a way to set him free.
The pig's men brought a huge amount of money (coming from Mafia) and had a long conversation with the wolf officer, promising to use the money to build a new prison made of straws, a new bank made with wood and a new school made with bricks.
The wolf officer agreed with them and decided to let them free by promising to stay away from the world of dirty money.
Safe and happy, the wisest little pig called to his brothers. "No more dirty money, no more problems to worry about!
From that terrible day and on, the three little pigs decided to work with a will. In less time than they thought, they built three new brick houses.
I liked your version!!!